We went up to see the goats last night after work. I hadn't visited them at all the day before. That short break allowed me to see how much they really are getting done—wow! Suddenly the back field looks, well, like a field! There's so much less foliage than there used to be. You can see the ground easily.
The goats have also adopted very faint paths that we've used in the past, making them much more obvious and defined.
Standing at the fence, looking into this transformed landscape, I could almost feel the sickle in my hand. It's really tempting to jump in there and take down the rest of the bare stalks and, as John said, dig up what's left of the poplar saplings with the cutting mattock. I'm sure when the goats leave we will have a work session like that, but I'm also sure that the goats haven't done all their magic yet. More transformations to come!

These two goats are the feared odd couple of the herd--a big mean white bearded goat and its small black companion. As Jace says, when they come through, the rest of the goats make way!

They're not shy around us, either.
- Erika
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